Waco Midway FFA
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Speaking Events

Speaking Development Events are designed to develop the ability of all FFA members to express themselves on a given subject. Students are encouraged to develop their communication skills and learn to formulate their remarks for presentation in a variety of situations. The state finals of the speaking development events are held in conjunction with the Texas FFA Convention in July.

There are multiple categories that students may participate in: 
Extemporaneous Public Speaking: Herrod  

Senior Prepared Public Speaking:
Ag Policy-Wright
Ag Business-Kornegay
Ag Tech and Comm- McCormick (Antis)
Animal Science- McCormick (Antis)
Natural Resources- Zuilhof
Plant Science- Cavazos

Junior Prepared Public Speaking: Zuilhof     

Soil Stewardship Prepared Public Speaking: Foster 


Speaking Development Events are designed to develop the ability of all FFA members to express themselves on a given subject. Students are encouraged to develop their communication skills and learn to formulate their remarks for presentation in a variety of situations. The state finals of the speaking development events are held in conjunction with the Texas FFA Convention in July.

SDE Revision Cycle       
The draft revisions for the Texas FFA Speaking Development Events have been posted. Please follow this link to review the revisions as well as provide feedback for the Texas FFA office and revision committee to review.






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